This post is sponsored by Gerber Cereal but the content and opinions expressed here 100% are my own.
Hi. My name is Kaylynn and I’m a crazy mama. Mornings, especially MONDAY mornings, are super nuts. Since we started school it’s been so hard to find our new routine and figure out what works for us, but I have found a few things that have been helpful, including our breakfast of choice (Gerber cereal – CHECK IT OUT HERE), and I wanted to share them with you.
Tip #1: Set your kids clothes out the night before. YES, I am THAT mom. I’m all for letting my kid dress herself, and she’s more than capable to do so, but it always seems to be the craziest Monday mornings when she decides to feign helplessness in dressing herself. So I lay out her clothes and it makes everything a little smoother.
Tip #2: Wake up before your kids. I know what you’re thinking, trust me, I hate this one too. However, I find when I wake up and exercise, shower, write, blog, put makeup on, get dressed, or all of the above I have a much easier time focusing on my kids. Heaven knows I can’t get everyone and everything ready at the same time.
Tip #3: Start a new tradition. You heard me – a new tradition. Our new tradition was oatmeal and Gerber cereals (You KNOW you want to check it out). Every Monday – no questions asked – we have Oatmeal and Gerber cereals. This way, there’s no scrambling around trying to figure out what to eat, and there’s definitely no tears, just kids begging for more Gerber cereal! (Yes please!)
I have always loved oatmeal and cereals, but I didn’t understand that Gerber cereal could be mixed to whatever consistency. Duh, right? Not measuring needed. This was the first solid we introduced to our first child, and it seemed fitting to follow suit for the second because the nutritional benefits are huge and did someone say high in iron? Yes please. Mom win.
Imagine my surprise when I hit up my local Walmart baby aisle and find there are other types of Gerber cereal. Again, DUH Kaylynn. I was under the impression only rice cereal existed, but no! There’s Oat and Wheat as well. Bless my heart. Our Dr. actually recommended introducing wheat cereal earlier than normal because he said studies showed lower stats for wheat allergies. So we did. Why not?
And thus, our oatmeal and Gerber Cereal tradition was born. You can tell little sister loves being included in breakfast because it’s been at least an hour since her last meal. Bless her little chubby bunny heart.
Tip #4: Have a plan. Is it just my type-A list-making personality that needs this? Possibly. I find that when I prioritize and keep my mental checklist up I can get more done. Otherwise it’s time to go to school (our school starts at 11 – shoot me now!) and my little isn’t dressed. Oy.
Tip #5: Give your kids jobs. Yes. Yes. YES! For too long I was waking my girl up, helping her make her bed, helping her brush her teeth and floss, etc etc. I finally realized ENOUGH and I gave her some of her own special “jobs.” After she had finished each item she could tell me and I would turn one ONE (30 minute) cartoon while she ate breakfast. Badda-boom Badda-Bam. DONE.
Obviously this list is by no means extensive, and I am sure I’ll be adding to it and changing it as time goes on. Plus, nothing here is earth-shattering – let’s be honest. You’ve heard all this before, but sometimes it works. So why not? What things have saved your sanity in the morning? I’d love to hear. Also, be sure to check out Gerber cereal for your littles and don’t forget your cereal!
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