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Oh my goodness – I feel like I say this about every dress I’ve posted so far, but this little number from Pleated Empire is my jam.

I first saw this dress on a super cute (super skinny) girl at ALT and I begged to know where she found her dress. She pointed me in the right direction and I was so pleased. The vertical lines of the dress are slimming, the fabric is light and airy, and (the obvious reason I love this dress) it has pockets. Granted, I probably wouldn’t ever put anything in my breast pockets, but still. I love pockets! Is that weird to be so obsessed?
I paired the dress with a neutral belt and a simple cream undershirt, but the model (and the girl I saw wearing it at ALT) wore it as is (no belt) and it was SUPER cute. The belt helped with the bump and the waistline. It just did.
Random information for you: I took these pictures right after eating Sunday dinner – not my smartest move. You can’t tell in the pictures, because the bump helps, but I am SUPER full. The other thing you can’t tell from THIS particular picture is how I’m trying to help the button not bulge out. I’m telling you, I ate A LOT this particular Sunday!
I’d recommend this dress to anyone – pregnant or not. Super comfy, super slimming, and (yes again!) POCKETS. I’ll stop now.
Don’t mind me, catching up on this awesome series and wanting to comment on everything! I LOVE this dress and looks awesome for breast-feeding too!