Attended the Lantern Fest. Check that off the bucket list. Wait, the Lantern Fest wasn’t on my bucket list? Probably because I didn’t know such awesome-ness actually existed, but it does, and everyone should make this event a priority. Whether you’ve lost a loved one or simply want to see the nigh sky lit up with thousands of candles it is a stunning sight to see.

The atmosphere is incredible – if I could re-do this event, I’d definitely show up earlier and soak up more of the events, food, face-painting, etc. By the time we arrived, found a place to sit, and found food, there was barely enough time to do anything else. Little Miss T wanted to do face painting, but the line was forever long, so we settled with these blow up bounce houses and she was in heaven. What face painting?
Did I mention there was food? There were a few options….as in a TON of options. My one complaint was there wasn’t anything super “kid friendly,” but we made it work. (PS: I spy a little yellow Ian bunny!)
Drawing and writing messages on the lanterns was one of my favorite parts of the night. We handed the markers over to little babe and she drew some of the sweetest pictures on her lantern to baby Ian.
And then the note. Be still my heart. So precious. (I love that she has every member of the family: Dad, Mom, T, Ian, and baby B. It makes me so happy that she speaks about her brother in heaven so matter-of-factly.)
The glasses were also a huge hit – did I mention we handed the marker responsibilities to her? Check out that sweet marker line on her face. Goodness, my silly girl.
It was fun to sit and hang out with some fun friends (by this point we’d officially given up on face painting), eat delicious food, toast some s’mores, and listen to music.
I wish I could explain the atmosphere – it really is so fun. There’s a lot of excitement for the lanterns to be released, but everyone is also super laid back and chill. It’s a fun mixture.
This was my lantern to baby Ian. (I wrote a longer note on the back.) They told us repeatedly, “DO NOT LIGHT YOUR LANTERNS YET!” So we didn’t. Then, suddenly, it was time to light the lanterns and I couldn’t get mine to light! Lanterns are flying up past me and I’m wondering what is wrong with me/my lantern.
(No – the lighters didn’t work at all!)
The tiki torches definitely worked the best when it came time to light the lanterns.
This may be my favorite shot of the night. Note to self, Kaylynn – recognize the top from the bottom and write your note the correct way.
But really, TRULY – there are no words. Thousands of lights in the sky, many for loved ones who have left us … it is simply beautiful. Words can’t describe the feeling of overwhelming awe.
I ended up having ONE single extra ticket – who wants ONE ticket? So I did something a little out there – I put it in little Ian’s name. Why shouldn’t he get a ticket? I like to think he was there with us in spirit.
So if you get the chance, GO to the Lantern Fest – you won’t regret it. I’m looking forward to going to the Lantern Fest again, this time with my rainbow baby. My calendar is marked and I’m making this a new tradition. Hopefully I’ll see you there – let’s eat s’mores and be friends.
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