An ode to the splash pad – how I adore thee (and how my splash pad love now includes the Stekki Bebe wrap).
Something about going to a swimming pool stresses me out. It’s simply beyond me, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s working around nap schedule, or maybe it’s that I want to stay long enough to make it worth the time and admission, but not too long that I have whiny, hungry, sun-burnt babes. Is it too much work? What is it? I don’t know. Maybe it’s a combination of all of the above.
(Also, can we please take a brief pause and die over this picture? The mist, the rainbow, the American flag – I love it all.)
I recently discovered my love for splash pads. Come when you want. Stay as long as you want. Bring your own food. Free admission. Um… yes please? Why have I not been doing this every day for the last forever?
T and I have gone several times and I simply held B while we were there since she wasn’t sitting independently yet so I couldn’t put her down. Can you imagine my small babe just rolling around a splash pad? The looks I would get.
I digress.
The past several times we’ve gone to the splash pad I have held my 9 month child and played for however many hours. I’m not afraid of getting wet or wearing my swimsuit, but holding a squirmy baby for a lengthy period of time is tiring!
Enter Stekki Bebe.
I’m no stranger to a baby wrap. Little Bebe has been worn all over the place in different types of wraps and doesn’t seem to mind at all. Why had it never crossed my mind to invest in a water appropriate wrap?
Stekki Bebe is a GAME CHANGER. Hands free is always a win, let’s be honest, but handsfree at the splash pad? I feel like supermom! I’m a FUN mom who can still play and run around while wearing a baby.
Beatiful photos and baby. Kisses!