*This post may contain affiliate links to support my donut eating habit*
This month for Styled by Five we have teamed up with Jane and I could not be more thrilled! You can head to Jane’s Instagram account and WIN THIS SHIRT!
I have been a long time supporting of Jane – ask my husband. It’s a little embarrassing. Since he is in the financial world and frequently (ok fine ALWAYS) checks our accounts, he was puzzled when there were suddenly A LOT of charged to some place called “JANE.” He now knows better. He knows what Jane is and doesn’t ask questions. HA!
I haven’t always loved the word “hustle.” Growing up my mom would tell me to hustle when we were in a hurry and that was NEVER a good thing. She was always late. I mean ALWAYS late, and I knew when she told me to hustle it was bad news. She was losing her patience and I had better do what she said.
Today, “hustle” means something so very different. It’s for boss babes who know how to make stuff happen. It’s for hard workers who do hard things and achieve greatness and success. Funny how the same word changes meanings like that. From a bad “hurry or you’ll be in trouble” to a good “you’re a hard-working girl.”
So there you have it. When I saw the gold of this shirt, I knew I had to pair it with a tulle skirt. (Proud moment – my husband knows what TULLE is and he used it correctly in a sentence. I almost cried tears of happiness! I’m teaching him so well! 😉 )
I found my skirt on Ali Express and I was SO pleased. I’d been searching for a good tulle skirt and was SUPER disappointed. I wanted something cute and fun without breaking the bank. I’ve been super pleased with the quality of this skirt – there are several layers of tulle to make it extra poufy because that is the point, right?
It wasn’t until later that I realized I needed something to make this outfit pop – I tried several black belts and they were all MEH. THEN, when I was giving up hope, I found a gold sequin belt from an old dance costume. Yeah, I’m a dance costume hoarder and you’ll find several of my favorite costumes IN MY CLOSET at at this current time. Because one never knows when one will need a gold sequin belt or shimmery rhinestoned dress, am I right?
I felt like a food taking pictures, dressed up with nowhere to go, but I think my neighbors know not to ask questions about crazy Kaylynn anymore. They expect the craziness and roll with it.
Shirt: Jane
Skirt: Ali Express
Shoes: Victoria’s Secret (from forever ago and they were on sale)
Belt: and old dance costume from forever ago.
Love this whole fashion combo mama!