Have I mentioned how much I love Expressions Vinyl? That, plus my new Cricut Explore make me feel like I can literally make ANYTHING I want – no problems!
Did you know that I’m a huge Harry Potter fan? It’s awesome and so true. We don’t joke about Harry Potter around here – this is very serious. When I saw this shirt, I HAD to have it. But then again – I don’t BUY shirts…I make them. Obviously.
Harry Potter was one of the first books I read that I actually ENJOYED and wanted MORE (besides Nancy Drew and the “Choose your own ending” books – because those were awesome).
I would totally make this shirt! Plus about a million other shirts I have floating around in my mind. Love the metallic on the shirt (and we are serious about HP in this house too)!
If I win I will be able to finish the onesie I am making for my sister whose baby girl is due in August!
I would love to do something cute on baby clothes! This Harry Potter business rocks my world. I’m thinking something like “My mom is a muggle” or something like that. ha!
Oh Alli – just wait…. That post comes up in July 😀
I love you and your Harry Potter fan-ness 🙂
love it
I’d place ’em on a t-shrt for my next run.
I would place it on a tshirt for my baby girls.
Love the shirt!! You are adorable. Expressions Vinyl is the best!! Can’t wait to try some of that Metallic Vinyl out!
I love this shirt!! I would wear it everywhere!!
I’m such a Harry Potter geek, so of course I’m obsessed with your shirt!!! LOVE IT 🙂
If I thought for even one half a second I could be as cute as you I would copy you and make this shirt BUT since that is a fruitless wish I will instead use the vinyl to add to a clock I just found at Ikea!!!!
I would love to make a onesie for my little niece who is due in September!
You are the most adorable thing brought to this earth, Kaylynn. This shirt is brilliant. Don’t be shocked if you find it missing. 😉
I have some shirts in mind-love this one too 🙂
Once again proving why you are my favorite person. Ever. I would make this shirt because I love it.