Sneek A Boos (found here) might be my new favorite Halloween tradition EVER.
We’ve all seen elf on a shelf, right? Almost everyone does it (no judgement if you don’t – totally a blanket statement!) and I’ve seen some pretty heated debates about that silly elf. “Why is he causing mischief?” and “It’s too much work!” are the top of the list. I tend to agree with both of those, but who am I to steal some Christmas magic away from my kid? So I succumb to the stupid, overrated elf.
But why does Christmas gets all the good stuff, including that sneaky elf? I was REALLY excited when Blickenstaff’s came out with their new “tradition” line with a specific tradition geared towards Halloween. However, this kind of wasn’t my thing. Nothing wrong, just not my thing.
Enter Sneek A Boos. The cutest little bat that brings tricks or treats. I was hesitant at first because the questions, “Why is he causing mischief” and “It’s too much work” came to mind. Plus, I’d already totally botched it with one Halloween tradition (fail), all I needed was one more thing to do. Right?
Here is his story and it is too dang cute. I am such a sucker for a good rhyme! Every day he can bring a trick or a treat – sounds easy, right? So if I forget to do a trick, I can quickly move him and put a piece of candy or a penny by him and my kid will be STOKED. Easy easy easy. That covers the “it’s too hard” argument, because we all know there’s candy in the house somewhere, even if it’s from your mama stash. It’s there.
Another good thing? This little Sneak A Boo (named Boo, obviously) is not hard to place – um, hi? He has HOOK FEET. Hang that little dude anywhere! (None of that “add a wire to your elf to make his arms and legs bend garbage here!) Also, he’s playing tricks on HIS friends (aka other stuffed animals/toys), which would be a riot! I love how Boo “mummified” his friends and locked them out (see slideshow pictures here!). Heck, hang him somewhere, cover his eyes (with his little velcro wings) and say he’s sleeping. Repeat once a week because mama forgets. That’s just cute. Not mean, not mischievous, just darn cute. I can do that, and it also covers the “Why is he causing mischief” argument. Not being an annoying bat, just playing harmless jokes on his friends.
As I dug a little deeper, I realized the founder and I had something in common – we were both part of “the club” that has lost a child. No one wants to be in this club, we don’t choose it, yet here we are. Instantly, I fell in love with this company. Here was a mama that had lost her baby right before the holidays – JUST LIKE ME – and still had to carry on with the normal holiday traditions. There’s no time to sit and mope (as much as I wish there was)! Instead of focusing on her grief she wanted to create new memories and have fun with her older child – thus, Sneek A Boos was born. Hallelujah for a good distraction to focus on. (You can read their story here.)
Best part yet? Sneek A Boos gives back. The owners wanted to focus on children in need. Every year their charity will switch, and this year their charity is the Shamba Foundation.
(Here are the owners, J.J. Haring and Mindy Haring, with the founder of the Shamba Foundation, Steven Kylano. They’re just being given an award for their amazing contribution. No big deal, right?)
So, to sum it all up – you get a rad new Halloween tradition while donating to a charity? I mean… it’s a total win-win. You can buy them online at Amazon or in Blickenstaff’s stores, and trust me when I say Sneak A Boos is a Halloween tradition you DO NOT want to skip.
Thank you,
Touching story, and I’m sure Boo will bring countless (no pun ). blessings to others. I’ve invited Boo to join me and my family on our Walt Disney World adventures , so watch for him to pop up, in the most unusual places..STAY TUNED!