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While at ALT Summit, ideas are flowing. Seriously though, you’re being bombarded by inspiring women and thoughts at an astonishing rate. So it wasn’t until after the conference ended that this idea came to fruition. Deidre and I had this thought for a fun new series: Styled by Five. We basically wanted to include several women with different body types and see how they styled the same dress.
I have teamed up with four other ladies to bring you one piece of clothing styled by 5 different women. Women that look & think differently from one another – hair, religion, location, skin, size, height, style, all of the above. I love sharing my style with you, but I also want you to see clothing I style in other body types so you can find what is best for you. So feel free to check out how Deidre, Kaylynn, Bethany, Jacque, and Sarah styled this outfit as well! And watch for a new piece of clothing styled by 5 every month.
Definitely check out these other 4 babes because they are rad!
First up, Shabby Apple. Let’s be honest, I love everything Shabby Apple carries. It’s a sickness really – why must they carry such freakishly cute stuff?
I love that this picture is like a mind trick – you almost can’t tell that I’m pregnant. I guess that’s the beauty of the dress itself: the A-line cut makes it super hard to tell if I’m with child or not. Which is pretty awesome if you ask me.
And if you KNOW me, you KNOW there are two things you’ll almost always find on my body: Agnes and Dora leggings and over-the-top, fabulous jewelry. Also, if you know me, this is what it’s REALLY like to try to take pictures – not glamorous. Lots of laughing and feeling really awkward. SO NOT good at this, but let’s keep pretending. Amiright??
Oh – she IS pregnant! Ha – just kidding guys. I absolutely LOVE the color of this dress. The pictures don’t show how truly stunning the blue is, and there’s a gorgeous sheen to it. Plus, the leggings MATCH! Normally I’m all about NOT matching, but it was too perfect. I couldn’t resist.
Dress: Shabby Apple (similar linked)
Leggings: Agnes and Dora (similar linked)
Jewelry: Handmade (by Kristen aka: my mom)
Shoes: Polyvore
I love the dress and cute style! It’s so fun, especially since it is good for expecting mothers. The jewelry is adorable too. You can use it for every day or class up a cute evening gown. I love it!
LOVE that dress (and you are totally gorgeous! Way to rock that bump!
You shine, girl. Always love your style. And your boobs look fabulous in that dress.
I literally laughed out loud – you make me smile friend. Thanks for noticing my girls. They are smiling at you too. 😀