*This post may contain affiliate links to support my cookie-eating habit*
I’ve always had a love affair with the Henry Mack House Dresses. The colors, the patterns, the fabric, and (YES, I’m going there yet again) the POCKETS.
Pre-pregnant Kaylynn bought one of these adorable house dresses and fell in love. It is light and airy, plus, the leopard sleeves? Come on! Too too dang cute. What’s not to love?
My dear sweet husband is such a trooper to take pictures of me. Here I am posed and ready, and he’s off like Ansel Adams snapping pretty nature shots and including the Rule of Thirds perfectly. Plus, he captured the sky and mountains while keeping the industrial feel. What a babe. Seriously. Love that man.
Pregnant Kaylynn needs to wear this dress a little bit different. Obviously in this shot, I’ve tried to mix some seriously comfortable shoes (love me some arch supporting Birkenstocks!) with a sassy belt (similar found HERE) and necklace (similar found HERE), but you could ditch the belt and go full on mu-mu style.
What you’re not seeing in these pictures is (again) how full I am – Why must I take pictures right after Sunday dinner? Also – my hair was driving me CRAZY. It was laying all weird and flat – I’d look at the pictures and wonder why I wasted my time even curling it at all. I swear – my hair holds zero curl. Even if I use my tightest/smallest wand it still falls flat. Grrr. Any help would be appreciated because BLESS. MY. HEART.
Love that bump – happy, healthy babe inside. What more could we ask for? We’ve been calling the little one Spectre because my due date is the same day as the new James Bond movie (YAY! Daniel Craig!). Love you little Spectre.
AND! Get this – you can use the code YOUNG20 for 20% off your order. The code is good until August 31st – so what are you waiting for? Huzzah for coupons and Huzzah for an adorably awesome House Dress!
If you’ve missed any of my other “Non-Maternity” Fashion posts, here are some others to check out:
Shabby Apple
Novae Clothing
Kaylynn. Seriously. You look amazing! And fun fact: my daughter dances on the same competitive team as one of the two girls who make up Henry Mack. Small world, right?